The world of Pinocchio is brought to life in this adventurous tale where fun, friendship and daft puns, mixed with thrills, suspense and surprises, in a fresh and daft interpretation of the Pinocchio story. A truly distinctive and inventive production to celebrate the festive season.
There’s new friends and foes to discover in this fairground and circus adventure for all ages, with plenty of swashbuckling derring-do, with Pinocchio, the great fairy Saphire, Dame Gepetto, Bob and the handsome Danny , the beautiful Maid Krystal, the Evil Mayor and his to bumbling henchmen, Dougie and Colin together delivering a Christmas tale you’ll never forget!
Pinocchio is brought to real life but finds it much tougher than he thought to do the right things at the right time. Will he and dame gelato succeed in escaping the clutches of the Mayor?
Christmas at Gateway Church Wirral promises a magical and hugely fun theatrical experience with pyrotechnics, lighting projection and live action in an intimate setting where everyone can feel part of the adventure.
Tickets will get you entrance for just one show or as many as you like of the six we have available.
£4.00 Individual
£12.00 Family (2 Adults + All under 14’s)
£3.00 Children & Concessions (Students, Seniors, Unwaged)
Call 0151 653 4013
or email
Wed 12th Dec – 6.30pm
Thur 13th Dec – 7.00pm
Fri 14th Dec – 7.00pm
Sat 15th Dec – 2.00pm
Sat 15th Dec – 7.00pm
Sun 16th Dec – 6.30pm
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